Imagine that you had a superpower but that you did not realize it? How much would I miss?
Whether you notice it or not, some things come to you more easily than for others. These are your instinctive strengths. Because they feel effortlessly, you might even not recognize them as strengths. We often neglect what we are naturally good because it is too easy to count as a real competence.
When you identify these hidden talents, you can use them more intentionally. Answering a few questions can help you see your instinctive strengths, so you can better use them to your advantage.
14 questions to identify your instinctive forces
- For each question, extrapolate what your answer says about you. For example, if you like the coupon of the grocery store (which concerns question 4: what problems do you like to solve, even if they seem trivial?), That could reveal that you are strong in optimization. If you instinctively explain things to others using analogies, it suggests that you are strong to Recognition of models and learn by analogy.
- To make the answer to questions more manageable, I broke them into buckets. Answer a bucket at a time, depending on what you are drawn.
1. What are you doing well even when you are half asleep or distracted?
2. What are you “strangely good”, even if you have never studied or trained for this?
3. What errors do you do never or rarely seem to be doing?
Problem solving
4. What problems do you like to solve, even if they seem trivial?
5. What models do you notice before others see them?
6. How do you instinctively explain things to others? What are your essential methods: chain chain, analogies, step by step or emotional connection?
7. What do you correct or improve instinctively, even when no one asks you?
8. What are you doing so effectively that people assume you are cut corners (but you are not)?
9. What decisions do you make faster than the others?
10. What do people assume you have thought a lot, but you just do on the automatic driver?
Social and emotional
11. What is the easy way to bring people to love you or to trust you quickly?
12. How do you instinctively know what to say to defuse tension?
13. How do you bring people to do what you want without them realizing that you have influenced them?
14. What is a social “cheat code” you use to make the conversations smoother?
More advice on how to answer these questions
- Try using an application of the voice recorder. Read the list of questions, and when you appear, read the question and your answer in your application. Start with the questions where the answers easily come to mind.
- For the remaining questions, Let your mind do the job. An approach: every night before sleep, choose a question so that your blurred mind to work. When you wake up, let your mind drift towards this question for a few minutes before getting out of bed. If an answer comes, be ready to save it with a notebook or vocal recording.
- Alternatively, try another method of “bed, bath, bus” trilogy to use your blurred mind. Attach an intention to make your non -focused mind answer a particular question while you drive, to public transport or to take a bath or shower.
Take advantage and celebrate what comes naturally
A better self -knowledge of your instinctive strengths will help you become more confident about the value of these forces, to lean into them during difficult periods and to save mental energy by doing what comes naturally. When we make our forces unconscious conscious, we see more ways to improve our lives and our performances.
We all tend to have hidden capacities that we hold for granted or do not recognize. It can be innate talents or skills that you could undervaluate precisely because they do not require a conscious effort, as we have explored here, or Unconventional approaches that you have been conditioned to consider as weaknesses or quirks rather than forces.
Life is more joyful when we can see how our daily activities are an expression of our strengths.