At a time when artificial intelligence Allows our daily life more and more, a new paradigm is due to Emerge: hybrid intelligence. This concept represents the powerful synthesis of man cognition – With its holistic understanding of the brain and body, self and society – and the computer prowess of AI systems. Rather than considering AI as a replacement of man intelligence Or simply a tool, hybrid intelligence recognizes the complementary forces of the two forms of experience and expression.
The imperative value: values in, values
The first aspect to be kept in our human mind as we sail on the unusual territory of an AI landscape is that technology inherits human values. We cannot expect the AI systems of tomorrow to embody ethical principles that we do not support ourselves today. The principle “Garbage in, Garbage OUT” also applies to values: values in, output values.
AI systems learn from data that we provide and the objectives we set. When trained on biased or optimized data sets for close measures such as commitment or profit to the detriment of human well-being, these systems perpetuate and amplify existing societal problems. Algorithms fueling recommendation systems, hiring tools and predictive police do not spontaneously develop ethical frameworks; They reflect implicit values integrated in their design and training.
This reality grants deep responsibility to humans. Technology will not save us from ourselves. We deliberately have to choose the values to be integrated into our AI systems and actively work to implement them. It is not just a technical challenge, but an uncomfortable human human which requires honest reflection on our priorities, as an individual and as a society.
While we are developing increasingly sophisticated AI systems, we are faced with a mirror that reflects our own values and bias. Optimization can include many characteristics. The choice of values to be prioritized – equity, transparency, confidentiality, efficiency and profit – is ours. No technological advancement can or should make this choice for us. The scope of hybrid intelligence places humans as moral and center moral agents. We are and remain responsible for ethics boundaries In which the AI operates, and we are responsible for the results of this parameter.
The impact of AI is too extensive to consider its social consequences as a collateral advantage rather than the main objective. We cannot expect to achieve this objective that if we design, deliver and deploy algorithms with the deliberate objective of exploiting them as a force for social good.
Double literacy: the new imperative leadership
The second key idea is that effective direction In the era of hybrid intelligence, there is a new type of literacy: what we could call Double literacy. It covers human literacy (an understanding of a short list of the brain and body, self and society = natural intelligence) and Algorithmic literacy (A solid understanding of the capacities and limitations of AI = artificial intelligence).
Human literacy implies in -depth knowledge of human psychology, sociology, ethicsand cultural dynamics. This requires emotional intelligenceempathy, and an appreciation of the complexity of man motivation and behavior. Managers with strong human literacy understand how they and other people make decisions, form relationships and find meaning – knowledge of AI can be fully reproduced.
Algorithmic literacy, on the other hand, implies understanding the functioning of AI systems, what they can and cannot do, and how they integrate into human workflows. This means knowing enough about automatic learning to ask the right questions about the quality of the data, the models of the model and the potential biases. Managers do not need to become a programmers, but they need to understand the capacities and constraints of AI to deploy it effectively.
Essential readings of artificial intelligence
Individuals with a single form of literacy will find it difficult in the era of hybrid intelligence. Those who have only human literacy can lack opportunities to take advantage of effective AI or not identify its risks. Those who only have algorithmic literacy can create technically impressive systems that do not meet human needs or create involuntary social consequences.
The most effective leaders will be those who will be able to move in a fluid way between these two areas, considering neither superior but as complementary parts of a larger whole. They will use their human literacy to identify the values that should guide the development of AI and their algorithmic literacy to ensure that these values are effectively implemented. It should be remembered in this context that leadership is a personal journey that we can undertake, whatever the part of the social hierarchy that we occupy.
Build a hybrid intelligence: the 4 A framework
To start developing hybrid intelligence capacities, the Frame has Can be useful:
Awareness: Recognize the forces and limits of natural and artificial intelligence. Understand where everyone excels and where they complement each other. Awareness of how values are coded in AI systems, intentionally or not.
Appreciation: Cultivate a true appreciation of the unique capacities of the two forms of intelligence. Resist the temptation to see AI through the binary objective of DOOM or Gloom. Instead, tackle it as a partner in problem solving.
Acceptance: Recognizing that hybrid intelligence requires rethinking traditional organizational structures and decision -making process. Be ready to experience new ways of thinking and feeling, creating and preserving.
Responsibility: Establish clear lines of responsibility for decisions made with the help of AI. There should not be a lump sum liability delegation in terms of results. Remember that algorithms do not have a moral agency; We do it. Create structures for yourself and your team that guarantee that hybrid intelligence systems align with the values of your organization.
By embracing these principles, we can start individually and collectively to exploit not only the full potential of artificial intelligence, but also the full range of our natural assets. The call for hybrid intelligence is an invitation to take a step back and to face what makes us unique as human beings and as a species.