Cyberstalking implies the use of digital technology – including social networksDigital monitoring devices, digital messaging, email, spy software, surveillance cameras or Keyloggers – to follow, follow, intimidate or harass an individual, a family, a group or a community (Marcum & Higgins, 2021). Cybetalking scenarios can go from someone harassing their former spouse after separation, racist or homophobic intimidation In a school or other organizational environment, threats to extort money from a person with naked images or other embarrassing information, deep counterfeits (IA-Dideos or photos generated) targeting political candidates, hacking computer hacking (“for pleasure”), to surveillance by someone who plans to fly at the home or at work of a person. People affected by cyberpreinities may or may not know the person throwing it (Walsh et al., 2024). With the rapid development of digital technology and surveillance in recent years, it is increasingly important that mental health professionals (MHP) are aware of the ways that customers can be affected by cyberpreints and how they can provide support.
One of the leading roles of the MHPS is to help identify cases where customers can be affected by cyber-stalking. Some customers may not be aware of the risks of cyberstalking, for example, when they receive phishing emails or when they click on malicious websites. Others may know that they are cyberstalkes but are too shame or are afraid of disclosing their experiences. The person who has perpetuated cyberstalking uses threats such as: “If you tell someone, I will fade your hard drive immediately” or “your children will not be safe”.
MHPs can improve the disclosure disclosure possibilities for screening for these problems during their contribution and evaluation processes. They can also provide consciousness education By having information on cyber-stalking on their websites, office babibllards or social media. Knowing that some people may feel uncomfortable to discuss cyberstalking, MHP can demonstrate that they are a safe and reliable person to share such information. “If that suits you, I would like to ask you if you have already known harassment or intimidation, online or in person … I know that some people have trouble discussing such problems … If you have encountered one of these problems, I am here to offer support and resources to help you decide in the best way to respond.”
Support and psychoeducation: emotional and legal
Listening to care and compassion is often the most crucial form of support that MHP can provide. They may be the first person with whom the customer shared his concerns about cyberlement. MHPs can connect to emotional concerns such as feardespair, or anger. MHPs can also project for suicidal Ideas, especially with vulnerable populations such as young adolescents who may be too afraid to tell their parents that they are extorted by a peer or an adult.
MHPs can also help customers discuss the options they have considered, as well as other options they may consider. In some cases, there may be technical corrections, such as strengthening the guarantees of a computer against phishing, monitoring and other forms of attack. If cyberbullying takes place in a school or other organizational context, this organization can have resources and processes to support the customer. Depending on the situation, legal actions can be beneficial. Cyber-Stalking laws vary from state to state (Cybersalking Research Center, ND), so they may need to obtain legal advice. Customers may be able to obtain content prescriptions unless contacts of the person who is cybers. Alternatively, they could bring criminal charges or bring a civil prosecution (Barsky, 2024). There are various organizations and websites that can provide assistance on how to react to cyber-stalking. There is no unique answer. A person who initially decides not to act may need a certain time – perhaps with the support of an MHP – before deciding to initiate a certain type of action to protect themselves from cyber -stalking (for example,, nd).
When a customer is cybersent, MHP can play an invaluable role in the offer of a safe space, emotional support, psychoeducation and connections with legal and other services. The simple fact of being “there” can make a huge difference in the sense of the safety and well-being of a customer.